13Kms | PF #1
16Kms | PF #-1
25Kms | PF #2
33Kms | PF #-1
37Kms | PF #-1
41Kms | PF #-1
As of 3 hrs 8 mins agoAt LKPR Station
47Kms | PF #1
RailYatri is one of the source for train enquiry around Train Status, Time Table, to spot your train. You can even without looking outside of the train tell your co-travellers on where is your train based on GPS based train status.
The two key things which are important to be noted while checking Live Train Status are "Last Reported Location" and "Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) at upcoming stoppages"
The "Last Reported Station" (for example - LKPR-LAKSHMIKANTPUR~ at present for this train) signifies the station based on which the current live train running status of 34921 NAMKHANA - LAKSHMIKANTAPUR Local is determined. The "Last Reported Station" also conveys that as per the current train status, the train has either arrived or departed or crossed that particular station. In this particular case, this instance of 34921 has Arrived LKPR-LAKSHMIKANTPUR~
Station | Arrival | Train Status | Halt Time | Platform | Locomotive Reverse |
namkhana (NMKA) | 12:28 | Departed at 12:28 | Origin | 1 | -- |
kakdwip (KWDP) | 12:41 | Departed at 12:42 | 1 mins | 1 | -- |
kashinagar halt (KHGR) | 12:49 | Departed at 12:50 | 1 mins | -1 | -- |
nishchindapur (NCP) | 12:58 | Departed at 12:59 | 1 mins | 2 | -- |
karanjali (KNJI) | 13:08 | Departed at 13:09 | 1 mins | -1 | -- |
kulpi flag (KLW) | 13:13 | Departed at 13:14 | 1 mins | -1 | -- |
udairampur (URP) | 13:18 | Departed at 13:19 | 1 mins | -1 | -- |
LAKSHMIKANTPUR~ (LKPR) | 13:25 | 13:30 | Destination | 1 | -- |
This train running information is not affiliated with or endorsed by Indian Railways or IRCTC
© Copyright by RailYatri.